>       Tonight while testing my rc file changes I decided to interrupt the spl
>screen display I have to see the boot messages. I hit scroll lock to do
>this, and it killed the splash screen, but when I went to log in the
>keyboard on the console was pretty much fubar. Every key was mapped to a
>different value, and I couldn't even C-A-D to reboot clean, I had to do a
>soft reset. 
>       Obviously this is a "... well don't do that" case, but I'm not sure it
>should be fatal. Hopefully this is of use to someone.

It depends on when you hit a key...  If you happen to hit a key when
the keyboard is about to be initialized, or during the keyboard is
being initialized, bad thing may happen.

The following patch may improbe the situation, by taking longer time
to flush the keyboard buffer.


Index: atkbd.c
RCS file: /src/CVS/src/sys/dev/kbd/atkbd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 atkbd.c
--- atkbd.c     1999/08/15 06:06:14     1.13
+++ atkbd.c     1999/08/19 12:08:22
@@ -1154,7 +1189,7 @@
        /* save the current controller command byte */
-       empty_both_buffers(kbdc, 10);
+       empty_both_buffers(kbdc, 200);
        c = get_controller_command_byte(kbdc);
        if (c == -1) {
                /* CONTROLLER ERROR */

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