> >I have at least one filesystem killer test. 
> And it is?... Like I mentioned, we're trying to collect tests/code that will
> demonstrate bugs.
> >I'll try and figure out a good place to hang it in the source tree, but I 
> >believe that it's usage is a mandatory "must use" for validating FFS 
> >and VM code. 
> Tell you what... Ship the code to me, and I'll put it together with anything
> else I get :)
> >I already devote
> >several machines to freebsd, so I can offer help here. I am very
> >overbooked, but I can certainly review and comment upon test plans and
> >maybe add a few of my own.
> Good to have you on board.
>       -Brian

It needs a little cleanup (i.e., a man page and perhaps some other 
cleanups to try and autosize things correctly, but here it is). It
is one of the dumber but most effective tests I've run across.

Lemme get to this tonite and package up a couple of things and put them
somewhere visible. Then people  can see if they're worth packaging or
starting from.

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