[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] removed from cc:, it's not a userlevel issue
  any more ]
On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 07:49:02PM +0100, Neil A. Carson wrote:
> ext2fs in Linux already has some support for mount downgrading or forcable
> unomunting (maybe) in the case of an FS error. For something like a
> floppy, it ought to be possible to force-unmount the disc in the event of
> a metadata error.

And, to my experience this is not a good feature (but I think it's an
implementation issue). A HD error left one of my machine with a root filesystem
in an unusable state. I had to boot a netbsd floppy to recover data from other
partitions (which didn't have errors :)

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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