[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John-Mark Gurney) writes:

> Christopher Seiwald scribbled this message on Aug 18:
> > It's a pretty straightforward change to bypass the insertion sort for
> > large subsets of the data.  If no one has a strong love for qsort, I'll
> > educate myself on how to make and contribute this change.
> why don't you implement this w/ the 5 element median selection qsort
> algorithm?  my professor for cis413 talked about this algorithm and
> that it really is the fastest qsort algorithm...   I don't have any
> pointers to a paper on this... but I might be able to dig some info up
> on it if you are interested...

I don't think the point is eliminating worst-cases, but optimizing
common cases, which in this case caused more worst-cases and thus
needs fixing.  Besides, the median selection chooses among more than 3
elements already (but only when the data set is large enough).

For fixing worst cases, an introspective sort might be a good idea,
i.e. do a quick sort but fall back to heap sort if a certain depth is
exceeded (you know you're losing when the depth exceeds log n).  This
also has another advantage - if you limit the depth of the sort, you
don't need to use the cpu stack for state, you can allocate a
fixed-size array for the purpose.  This probably isn't a real
performance advantage for a C qsort implementation because of the
overhead of calling cmp.  It does, however, guarantee that sorting
uses a reasonable amount of stack.  Such an assumption isn't portable
when using qsort(3), though.  Expect to die if you do large qsorts
from threads with small thread stacks.

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