On 11-Aug-99 Matthew Dillon wrote:
>      If the interrupt scans or in any way accesses the buffer list,
>      you have to disable interrupts temporarily using the appropriate
>      spl*() calls whenever your non-interrupt code (i.e. the ioctl code)
>      makes modifications to the list.  Otherwise the interrupt might
>      occur while the list and/or buffers are in an invalid state.

Yes we have splhigh() around code which modifies any of the lists/pointers that
the interrupt routine calls.

>      If that isn't the problem, look for situations where you might 
>      be corrupting memory within the driver.  The two most common
>      situations are where you accidently leave references to a buffer
>      you just freed, or where you overrun a buffer.

Yes, well the we can reproduce the corruption. One place it happens is during
the construction of the list (the code I showed you). The list in question is
used by _nothing_ else (the list is built and then 'transfered' to the list the
interrupt handler will used). The corruption seems to occur while the list is
being built, but only with some specific buffer sizes :-/

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum

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