> I should mention that what I have on the disk right now (with
> the three systems) isn't too critical, so it is alright if I
> have to start over and reinstall everything.  On the other
> hand, reinstalling does get a little tiring after awhile, so
> I want to have a better idea of what I'm doing before I take
> another stab at this, to minimize the number of reinstalls
> that I wind up doing.
> I should also mention that while I do have a second 4-gig scsi
> disk to use, it isn't actually installed yet.
> Also, I did intend to have a freebsd 4-current system as part
> of this multi-boot mix.  I don't think I mentioned that last
> time.  Perhaps I should create one fdisk-style partition per
> hard disk, and put all freebsd-related slices (for all the
> different freebsd installs) into that one partition?  Would
> that make things go smoother?  (particularly if I put all the
> boot-related slices at the start of that fdisk-style partition)

Using BSD terminology, "slice" == fdisk partition, and partitions
('a', 'e', etc.) are just "partitions".  Though, IIRC, SVR5 uses
the terms the other way round.

I'd suggest you install one system per fdisk partition.  I had a
system set up with 2.0R, 2.1R, 2.2R and 3-current (as was) in
separate slices, when testing the new boot code.

Some people do prefer the multiple systems per slice approach,
though, which is all that used to be supported.  So either can
be made to work.

Robert Nordier

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