> > If you do have the installations in two seperate slices on the one disk,
> > you should be able to use a boot selector to boot which ever slice you
> > want.
> Boot selector programs like os-bs work with partitions, not disk slices.
> That's why I wanted separate partitions. At the moment I have os-bs
> installed but it will only get me as far as a BSD boot. I then have to
> quickly hit a key and enter:
> 0:wd(0,c)/kernel
> to boot 2.2.8 (3.2 will boot by default).

Ah yes, I see the problem now. Even if you have two seperate slices
say wd0s1 and wd0s2 and boot into your selected one via os-bs, the
boot prompt on either will always be


..and wd0a always points to the first BSD slice found on the disk.
(in this case wd0s1 which is either 2.2.8 or 3.2 depending on where
you installed them). I think the FreeBSD boot loader might need the
of specifying which *slice* to boot from rather than just which disk
(0,1,2 etc.) and partition (a,b,c,d etc.)

for the moment I think you'll just have to type in the line above
every time you need to boot into 2.2.8 (or get another HD but that
was the problem we've been trying to solve :)

Anybody else out there have suggestions ?

- Cillian

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