> > > Having a per-rule limit means that you
> > > actually have a "IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT * number_of_rules_specifying_log" limit
> > > (assuming an attacker exploits multiple rules) rather than a limit of
> >
> > I disagree. I have *tons* of firewall rules, and I don't want to have
> > to recompile my kernel if I modify my script at a later point and make
> > the rules 'more verbose'.
> Huh?
> I think you completely missed what I said - or maybe the opposite.
> Right now, if you have ten "log" rules, I can make your system log up
> to 10 * IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT rules (assuming I can generate violations for
> each rule). If you have 200 rules, it becomes 200 * IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT -
> again assuming I can generate appropriate violations.
> This eats up a grossly variable amount of disk space, which seems contrary
> to the whole concept of IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT.
If I'm getting attacked such that I'm logging data, I *want* as much
information on the attack as possible. I realize this when I setup my
IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT 'limits' as well as the logging rules.
If an attack takes is 1 rule 100 times, and the other 10 rules 1 time,
I'd like to see all of this. With a 'global' limit set to 100, I
wouldn't see these kinds of hits.
Also, from analyzing attacks for years, most attacks have a pattern that
is *best* seen from seeing it hit a number of rules. By settin a
per-rule limit, you 'generally' can determine that an attack is going to
have a signature the same as the previous 'n' hits on that rule, but you
want to see the rest of the attack.
I don't care to see a scan of the IMAP 1000 times when right after they
finish scanning it they also try to attack my POP3 port 1000 times.
Rather, I'd rather see the first 100 attempts on the IMAP port, then the
first 100 attempts on POP3, then the first 100 attempts on port 7,
You get *better* information on per-rule limits than on a global limit.
> If I'm an admin, I'm going to think "Well lets see, I want to store a
> month of bad packets in it.
If you're an admin on today's internet, you'd realize that there is *NO*
way to get save a month worth of bad packets. Heck, at least once/week
I can't even store a day's worth of bad packets (I assume when we say
bad packets, we're talking about the
> I zero
> my counters every five minutes and there is a limit of 100 per five mins,
> and the average line length is 80 (or whatever) so therefore I need 80 * 100
> * 12 * 24 * 30 or 70MB for my worst case scenario."
Not. If the attack is the same, then the syslog error reporting will
same something like (this is a real message, with IP addresses change to
protect the guilty..):
Jun 29 16:43:09 ns /kernel: ipfw: 64000 Deny UDP out via ed0
Jun 29 16:43:44 ns last message repeated 3 times
If you've got seperate attacks, then you've got too much stuff you're
> Now given 200 rules, I can fill his disk in substantially less than a day.
If you're logging that much information, then you're logging too much
information. In any case, you've got information overload, so adding a
global limit on the rules means you're losing as much (or more)
information than you're logging, which is just as bad (or worse).
If you're worried about logging too much information, then don't reset
your counters every 5 minutes. Besides, you're losing information if
you're max'd out every 5 minutes anyway, so it really doesn't matter
when you zero out your counters.
> I don't know what you mean by "make the rules 'more verbose'" but what I
> am advocating is not any change in what currently exists... I am talking
> about limiting the number of entries possible in a manner that would seem
> to be more consistent with the intent behind IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT.
IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT is a per/rule limit. This is what is intended. Most
attacks don't hit the entire system on every rule in order to do a DoS
attack. Even so, each rule with eventually 'limit-out' and the system
will no longer log packets. This is a 'bad thing' from a security
standpoint, since at that point we are losing information.
The idea behind IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT is to avoid DoS attacks, while still
allowing *MAXIMUM* data collection when a DoS attack is not happening.
It's not there to make your logfiles small. If you want small logfiles,
turn of IPFW logging altogether.
(I'm actually serious here.)
> > Case in point, I may at one time want to 'log' all connections to a
> > particular port, and then later ignore (no longer log) all the
> > connections to that port *except* to a particular host. Or, the reverse
> > may be true. In these cases, I don't want to have to recompile my
> > kernel to allow 'more logging' of the information.
> Huh? Why would you have to recompile your kernel? Assuming securelevel <
> 3, which is required regardless... you just delete the less restrictive
> rule and replace it with a more restrictive rule.
I want *both* rules, and I want *full* information disclosure since I
want to know how I'm being attacked. See, knowing how I'm attacked is
useful since it helps me avoid future attacks, as well as allow me
potentially stock future attacks from happening by informing an ISP of
the behavior of one of their users. Maybe that person will get on
another ISP, or maybe he'll cleanup his act. Who knows, but sitting
idle means nothing happens.
> > I think a 'per-rule' limit works best, instead of a global limit. This
> > also works well in the case of rootkit attempt breakins, since they tend
> > to hit one rule multiple times, and then another multiple times, etc...
> >
> > With a 'global' limit, I may end up 'limiting out' on the first rule,
> > and then miss all the rules hit later on with the attack.
> Yes, you might. But you might miss them anyways, and I can run you out of
> disk space quicker.
Sure, but you have to know alot about my box to do that, and if you have
that kind of information, I can run your box out of disk space just as
easily, it takes a bit longer.
(And, it would take you months to run my box out of disk space in it's
current setup, which is a engineering tradeoff for maximum information
retrieval balanced with the history of attacks on my system, along with
engineering paranoia about how a DoS attack could occur.)
Again, IPFW_VERBOSE_LIMIT is *NOT* there to make for smaller logfiles,
it's there to avoid a single kind of attack made on the system. These
kinds of attacks 'tend' to focus on a single port and/or rule. Also,
having a global count also leaves you 'wide-open' for doing a DoS
attack, following by a real attack. You would no longer have any idea
how the 'real' attack is occuring, so with the current implementation,
the attacker must know your exact FW configuration in order to attack
you well. (And, I would argue that *IF* they had my FW configuration
and/or rulesets, my firewall would be almost useless since in any
system, there are tradeoffs made for 'ease-of-use' vs. security.)
> > > It also makes it more difficult to code in a bunch
> > > of "log" rules, since your periodic "zero" script has to know the number of
> > > each one, and if you just do an "ipfw zero rule1 rule2 rule3...." then you
> > > get a bunch of
> > >
> > > /kernel: ipfw: Entry rule1 cleared.
> > > /kernel: ipfw: Entry rule2 cleared.
> > > /kernel: ipfw: Entry rule3 cleared.
> > >
> > > each time you do this.
> >
> > Or, you do like I do, and have a cronjob 'zero' out the entire log
> > ruleset everynight right after it sends the results to me to analyze.
> Interferes with your accounting counters. You need to be able to do
> them individually to avoid that.
I'm not disagreeing. ipfw zero rule1 also interfers with your counters
as well, but only on those rules.
> > However, at times (during breakins I happen to catch, or during ruleset
> > debugging sessions) I still want to have control over individual rules.
> >
> > > I would rather see something like
> > >
> > > /kernel: ipfw: logging limit reached, suspending.
> > > # /sbin/ipfw zerolog
> > > /kernel: ipfw: logging limit reset, resuming.
> >
> > This is essentially what I do. But, you can do 'ipfw zero' which
> > accomplishes the same thing.
> No, it nukes the accounting counters.
I've not argued that point.
> > However, this is really a side-issue. The last thing I'll say is that I
> > think a 'global' counter is a bad idea, and this is from using IPFW for
> > years in a real/deployed FreeBSD firewall situation. It would cause me
> > more trouble than it's worth, and provide 'less' flexibility than
> > currently exists (which I use).
> Then your argument devolves down to one of wanting a per-rule counter and
> you don't care if it is the accounting one or a new one...
Correct. The existing infrastructure works for me. I don't use my FW
for accounting purposes (that's what the wireless bridge is for), so I
don't care if the counters are zero'd. But, I *don't* want to see the
system modified to replace the per-rule counters with a global counter
since it has some exteremely negative side-effects, the most obnoxious
is to lose 'valid' breakin information, which is the point of having
logging in the first place.
> And I've been using FreeBSD and IPFW in a real/deployed environment as well,
> and I keep hitting up against these goofy sorts of problems. It is much,
> much more usable than something like ipfw in 2.1R or earlier, but these
> little things still matter.
The changes in 2.1 affected quite a bit, but all it required me to do
was to rewrite my FW rules. I saw very little 'functionality'
additions, just changes made that required me to re-write how I was
doing things. Since the firewall is a 'side' job of mine, it was a pain
in the butt to do it, but now that's (long) past. :)
> > The real issue from your first email is '*should* ipfw rules be
> > 'zero-able' at securelevel 3'. I'm of two minds. The paranoid
> > administrator can't think of any bad things that could occur, but I can
> > imagine something bad happening if someone were allowed to do this,
> > although it's not completely concrete. I don't have the brain-cells to
> > dedicate to thinking about the full implications of a 'bad-guy' zeroing
> > out my rules.
> He interferes with whatever other features you've built into the system
> which rely on those accounting numbers. I agree - you probably don't
> want to do that.
One could argue that accounting numbers in a firewall shouldn't be
trusted, but I won't argue that point since the firewall is often the
most 'natural' place to stick network accounting software.
> Well, the 'right' thing is clear: pull the limit count out of the
> accounting count. This solves both the problem of zeroing accounting
> counters and potentially messing with other things, and also of letting
> people do anything 'negative' in securelevel 3.
Is it the 'right' thing to do? I think that someone messing with the
'logging' rule counts could be just as dangerous as someone messing with
the accounting counts.
Again, if you're paranoid enough to have securelevel 3, you've got to be
paranoid enough to assume that someone *HAS* root access on your box,
and is going to do anything nasty they could.
> By pulling the limit count out into a separate entity, nothing
> 'negative' can happen (because stopping the logging process is
> definitely negative, and being able to restart it without messing with
> other stuff is positive).
I'm not sure this is an acceptable change either, but I'll leave that
discussion to the networking folks.
> Now that we are agreed that the limit count needs to be divorced from the
> accounting count, we can debate whether it should be a per-rule or global
> limit.
Hold on to your horses, Hoss. I haven't agreed to that. Don't be
putting words in my mouth. :) :)
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