Hey all,

I have two freeBSD machines one 3.1 -STABLE and the other 3.2 -STABLE, I was ftp
 ing a very large file from one machine to abother over are lan, it began to get
 extremely slow and began to stall. I suspected two much traffic on our hub (A N
etgear 24port 10base-T) so i switched the two machines onto a 8 port Compaq Nett
elligent hub. Now there are only these two machines on the hub and they are stil
l stalling. I tried ftping both ways but it was the same thing.

By looking at the lights on the hob it seems that a burst of data would come for
 2 seconds and then it would be dead for 10. I have 3com 3c905b FastEthernet car
ds in both machines, and up until now I have never had these kind of problems.

Any Ideas?


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