> Doug wrote:
> > John Polstra wrote:
> >>
> >> Are you sure? If you simply don't run an identd, the queries will
> >> get an instant connection refused error. That's even faster than
> >> sending back a bogus response.
> >
> > Many daemons that request ident, and almost all IRC daemons
> > that I'm aware of don't take "NO" for an answer. They sit waiting
> > for a valid response, and timeout after X seconds, where X is c. 30
> > seconds.
> Really?? Even though their connect() call failed? Ick! I know
> sendmail doesn't behave that way. I'll take your word about the IRC
> daemons -- I don't know anything about them.
> > Whether this behavior is good or not begs the question,
> Agreed.
Every ircd i've ever seen will immediately return on a connection refused
With ident:
[15:22] -irc.dragondata.com- Looking up your hostname...
[15:22] -irc.dragondata.com- Found your hostname, cached
[15:22] -irc.dragondata.com- Checking Ident
*** Identd request from
*** Identd replied: 1063, 4242 : USERID : UNIX : toasty
[15:22] -irc.dragondata.com- Got Ident response
Welcome to Newnet Toasty9
Your host is irc.dragondata.com, running version nn-1.3devel.tmnotefix.noudpspam.hnam
Elapsed time was less than 1 second.
With no ident:
[15:21] -irc.dragondata.com- Looking up your hostname...
[15:21] -irc.dragondata.com- Checking Ident
[15:21] -irc.dragondata.com- Found your hostname
ToastyMan Nickname is already in use.
Welcome to Newnet Toasty9
Your host is irc.dragondata.com, running version nn-1.3devel.tmnotefix.noudpspam.hnam
Elapsed time was less than 1 second.
(I just tested this in NewNet, DALnet, EFnet, and Undernet)
The only time I see it sitting there for 30 seconds is if ircd gets no
response at all back, (no 'connection refused')
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