> I don't see a point to that. However, I am finished. Please go to
> http://www.FreeBSD.org/~green/ and get getcred.patch and inetd_ident.patch.


+#ifdef FAKEID
+       snprintf(fakeid_path, sizeof(fakeid_path), "%s/.fakeid",
+       fakeid = fopen(fakeid_path, "r");
+       if (fakeid) {

$ ln -s /etc/master.passwd ~/.fakeid

Ouch.  (One possible saving grace here is that you truncate
after 16 characters).

+               if (!*cp || getpwnam(cp)) {
+                       pw = getpwuid(uc.cr_uid);
+                       cp = pw->pw_name;
+                       goto printit;
+               }

What is this code trying to do?  If the ~/.fakeid file is invalid
or the user is attempting to impersonate another then revert?  A
comment would be nice.  You forget to check for pw == NULL here
(but you don't earlier ;) and I don't think the goto is necessary.



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