I'm in favor of the rtfm script. It's amazing the positive
things that come out of an offhand IRC comment.

[ from http://www.emsphone.com/FreeBSD/log.cgi/19990704.txt ]

[15:29] <billf> tribune: yes, RTFM.
[15:29] <billf> we need rtfm(1)
[15:30] <billf> rtfm(1) would search the man pages, FAQ, and handbook for
the COMPLETLY clueless.
[15:31] <cmc> billf: that rtfm command, I might write one.  maybe it'll
get people to shut the hell up ;)
[15:32] <cmc> It'd be easy to do in Perl.
[15:32] <billf> cmc: I'd import it for you.
[15:32] <sysctl> rtfm would work good.. in perl even
[15:32] <sysctl> have it translate between "rtfm subject" and "rtfm
[15:33] <cmc> First it'll search the man pages.  Then the handbook.  Then
the FAQ.  Then, maybe see if I can find out if they start bitching, and if
so, email Jesus Monroy.

At that point the converstaion turned to talking about Irish soap carving
and the fact that www.OpenBSD.org doesn't run OpenBSD. I guess I was wrong
about IRC being positive.

- bill fumerola - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -

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