On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Josef Grosch wrote:
> I have done installs on FreeBSD, Redhat, HP/UX, and Solaris and I have to
> say that Redhat is very confusing. FreeBSD does have it's warts but it is
> better than Redhat. HP/UX and Solaris also have their problems, just ask
> Nicole Harrington how she liked installing Solaris on an X86 box, but they
> are better than FreeBSD but not by as much as you would think. HP/UX
> install looks a lot like FreeBSD but not as limited as FreeBSD. The ability
> to have more than 2 buttons on the screen and too be able to backup is a
> major blessing.
Uh, the Solaris packaging crap *is* a wart. It won't even work on a
tarball.. The FreeBSD makefile mess could be extended to be about as
"flexible" as the Solaris gunk.
- alex
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