In article <local.mail.freebsd-hackers/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
you write:
>Personally, I think we should use a kernel environment variable passed in
>from loader, since kern_envp is available *real early*, from the very
>beginning of init386(), which is called form locore just after going
>virtual.  It needs a couple of tweaks to get this to work, and in
>particular, the environment variable will have to override the VM86

You'd still have to perform the VM86 calls, since one of the things they
do is generate a map of where the useable memory segments are.  The 
environment variable would be used later (at the same point where the
npx0 hack is) in order to cap Maxmem.

I like the idea of being able to say:

        set console=comconsole
        set maxmem=....


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