> On Fri, 25 Jun 1999 15:55:03 -0600 
>  Wes Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Are there enough bytes available in the BIOS NVRAM?  That would do 
>  > nicely as a place to store it.
> If you want this to be widely adoped across the free OS community
> (hell, even if you want both of FreeBSD's platforms to support it),
> you'd better come up with a less PC-centric place of storing this
> information.

The loader will, at some stage in the future, grow a persistent data 
store in which items like this can be saved.

\\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
\\  of the man.                   \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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