On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 07:06:54AM +0200, Terrence Koeman wrote:
> I had to reboot a server that hung, and now I can't seem to fsck one of the 
> geli volumes.
> I've found this thread: 
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-geom/2008-September/003042.html, 
> but this doesn't work for me as given:
> [root@baphomet /usr]# geli attach -p -k /etc/geli/vtbd1.kf /dev/vtbd1
> [root@baphomet /usr]# geli list
> [snip boot vol]
> [snip swap vol]
> Geom name: vtbd1.eli
> State: ACTIVE
> EncryptionAlgorithm: AES-CBC
> KeyLength: 256
> Crypto: hardware
> Version: 7
> UsedKey: 0
> Flags: NONE
> KeysAllocated: 512
> KeysTotal: 512
> Providers:
> 1. Name: vtbd1.eli
>    Mediasize: 2199023251456 (2.0T)
>    Sectorsize: 4096
>    Mode: r0w0e0

This looks good, ie. it is not open by anything yet.

> Consumers:
> 1. Name: vtbd1
>    Mediasize: 2199023255552 (2.0T)
>    Sectorsize: 512
>    Mode: r1w1e1
> [root@baphomet /usr]# fsck -t ufs -pf /dev/vtbd1.eli                          
> /dev/vtbd1.eli: NO WRITE ACCESS

Please start by running:

        # ktrace fsck -t ufs -pf /dev/vtbd1.eli

and see where exactly it is failing and with what error (run kdump and
look for attempts to open /dev/vtbd1.eli device).

Pawel Jakub Dawidek                       http://www.wheelsystems.com
FreeBSD committer                         http://www.FreeBSD.org
Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!                     http://mobter.com

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