Yes, this is also my suspicion.

Here with “diskinfo /dev/da1”, geom can already detect the new disk capacity 
but it just doesn’t update its internal structure for new free space.
I think I’ll have to locate the related code and ask geom to re-probe free 
space on disk capacity change.
It would be great if somebody can point out the exact code I need to dig into.

-- Dexuan

From: [] On Behalf Of Maxim 
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2016 23:20
To: Dexuan Cui <>
Cc:; Allan Jude <>; ken 
<>; imp <>; Hongjiang Zhang 
<>; Sepherosa Ziehau <>
Subject: Re: How to force GEOM to recalculate the free space after the disk is 

Smells like a bug in the geom_part where it supposed to re-read the partitions 
and update its internal structures. The reason why it works when you open 
dev/da1 for writing is because the geom_part provider that is attached to that 
disk is destroyed and created anew when you close the fd.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 5:19 AM, Dexuan Cui 
<<>> wrote:
Hi, I have a FreeBSD virtual machine (VM) running on Hyper-V and I'm testing 
Hyper-V's Disk Online Resizing feature. The feature can expand or shrink the 
(virtual) disk capacity of a VM when the VM is running.

There is an issue with gpart or GEOM: after the disk capacity is expanded (or 
shrunk), gpart/GEOM can detect the new bigger capacity, but the free space 
displayed by gpart remained the same unless I open the disk dev file for 
writing, e.g.,

[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# gpart create -s MBR   /dev/da1
da1 created
[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# gpart show /dev/da1
=>      63  83886017  da1  MBR  (40G)
        63  83886017       - free -  (40G)
[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# diskinfo /dev/da1
/dev/da1        512     42949672960     83886080        4096    0       5221    
255     63

Now I expand the disk from 40GB to 50GB by Hyper-V management tool.

Next, I get the below, i.e., gpart/GEOM detects the new disk capacity, but the 
free space remains the same.
(Note: the first diskinfo failure should be expected: Hyper-V only notifies the 
VM of the capacity change on the VM's next read or write request, and in the VM 
it seems there is a race condition between the ioctl and the handling of 
capacity change. I'll see how this can be fixed.)

[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# diskinfo /dev/da1
diskinfo: /dev/da1: ioctl(DIOCGMEDIASIZE) failed, probably not a disk.
[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# diskinfo /dev/da1
/dev/da1        512     53687091200     104857600       4096    0       6527    
255     63

[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# gpart show /dev/da1
=>      63  83886017  da1  MBR  (50G)
        63  83886017       - free -  (40G)

Now, if I run a program that only does 
"openat(AT_FDCWD,"/dev/da1",O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,0644);", GEOM will detect that the 
free space is 50GB now and GEOM will pass this info to gpart:

[root@decui-bsd11 ~]# gpart show /dev/da1
=>       63  104857537  da1  MBR  (50G)
         63  104857537       - free -  (50G)

I'm not familiar with GEOM.
Can somebody please explain the behavior?

I don't know who exactly maintains GEOM , so I just picked some names from "git 
log geom/" and put you to Cc.  Sorry if this mail bothers you. :-)

-- Dexuan

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