Hi folks,

My colleague Sushanth (CCed) tried to send this to hackers@ yesterday, but it 
didn't go through for some reason. Resending on his behalf, adding geom@, and 
noting that while we saw this on 7-STABLE, it looks like it could still be an 
issue in -HEAD.



We have a home-grown geom driver that creates sysctl in the device creation 
path. Device creation is handled by the geom event thread. The call to 
SYSCTL_ADD_NODE() takes the sysctllock in exclusive mode. If the event thread 
is racing with another thread that calls sysctl_disks(), then you end up with a 
deadlock since sysctl_disks() tickles the event thread and goes to sleep while 
holding the sysctllock. It is expected to woken up by the event thread when the 
event of listing all the disks is processed. But the geom event is blocked 
waiting for the sysctllock.

I did see g_disk_create() adds a sysctl variable in a similar fashion, hence 
the email. I'm thinking of fixing the sysctl_disks() to drop the sysctllock 
before going to sleep and reacquiring it after being woken up. Let me know your 



-Ravi (rpokala@)

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