On 01/10/2023 16:45, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
… Selecting a bunch of messages and moving them to a different folder used to be close to immediate on 102. On 115 the window is repainted a couple of times after each message is moved. So to move, let's say, 20 messages, 10-15 seconds are needed. …

Maybe this bug, closure of which is overdue (the reporter refused to provide the requested information):

1844628 - sluggish response in main pane after upgrading to 115 from 112


For me:

1856513 - Regression: with Thunderbird 115, changes to some appearance-related preferences have become extraordinarily time-consuming

More generally, <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?keywords_type=anywords&classification=Client%20Software&classification=Developer%20Infrastructure&classification=Components&classification=Server%20Software&classification=Other&keywords=perf%2C%20perf%3Afrontend%2C%20perf%3Aresource-use%2C%20perf%3Aresponsiveness%2C%20&order=Bug%20Number&query_format=advanced&token=1696290149-vCOwO_0XLGwL07EczLfVIkMaxCl80xhpX9XPeRq3Uzk&product=Thunderbird&cmdtype=doit&remtype=asdefault&version=Thunderbird%20115&list_id=16741724&bug_type=defect> is a mixture of open and closed performance-related bugs.

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