--- Comment #3 from John Hein <> ---
Created attachment 238289
[patch] fix redef of float typedefs - slightly different version

Okay, I have caught up a bit - I read the upstream discussion more closely.

Attached is a slightly different patch that uses the same __LP64__ test that is
in x86/_types.h.  And it's similar to the patch trying to make its way through
the upstream bug review (

I think a test that is run at 'configure' time (which defines something like
HAS__DOUBLE_T & HAS__FLOAT_T) is really what is needed upstream. The dynamics
around this for all platforms are hard to pin down perfectly without a
configure test.

So either Felix's patch (based on #ifndef __FreeBSD__) or this one is fine
until upstream can figure out what it wants.

I built firefox again with this patch on i386 and it got past this problem. 
Now it has the problem from bugĀ 264857 again ("requires target feature 'sse'"),
but that's a separate bug.  We probably need to 'regenerate libwebrtc build
files' again, but I have not figured out how to do that (might need a hint from
Christoph for that).

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