
On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 6:47 PM Torfinn Ingolfsen <tin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> building rust-cbindgen-0.16.0 also fails on this machine, in the same
> way. But - I installed rust-cbindgen from ports on another  FreeBSD
> 11.4-release machine, starting from "clean" (nothing installed except
> for pkg, which then was upgraded from ports), madea package from that
> and used 'pkg add' to install said package on this machine. That
> worked for now.
> It is likely that the build environment for (some) ports is broken
> somehow on this machine.

OK, I figured out how to fix it: I reinstalled the devel/libgit2 port.
After that, I can build rust-cbindgen without problems.
I still don't know why there was a problem with libgit2, it still is
the same version:
root@kg-core1# pkg info libgit2*

Torfinn Ingolfsen
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