Bugzilla Automation <bugzi...@freebsd.org> has asked freebsd-gecko (Nobody)
<ge...@freebsd.org> for maintainer-feedback:
Bug 250914: www/firefox-esr: Segmentation Fault going from 68 to 78

--- Description ---

I compile my own packages with portmaster for AMD64. firefox-esr was working
great for me until the bump to 78 in the 2020Q3 ports branch. firefox-esr
builds fine, however when running it, I get a segmentation fault. This is on
12.2-RELEASE. All of my ports are up to date.

What works:

firefox --version
DISPLAY=:9999 firefox will complaint the display is bad and exit as it should.

What does not:

firefox --headless

Both segmentation fault.

Have this on two systems. I rebuilt the package with less options and had the
same thing.

What should I try next?

Thank you!
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