Please keep this on the list.

## Christopher Tipper (

> I expect more than slag-quoting and bureaucratic obfuscation. "Long
> standing policies" are not an excuse for not taking the time for review
> and reflection.

That doesn't change a thing. The process with firefox (and thunderbird)
has been this way for years, without problems so far.

> > It's standing policy (for several years now, really) to use the
> > release candidates in order to get critical fixes faster and to
> > have at least some chance to catch FreeBSD-specific regressions
> > earlier, especially as FreeBSD is not a fully-supported platform
> > at Mozilla.
> So do that after release. You are shipping unreleased software?

Yes, we're shipping release candidates. And they are released -
tarballs and binaries (for supported platforms) are readily available
on Mozilla's servers.

> I didn't say it was that easy but shipping unreleased software is
> an opportunity to ship flaws potentially security flaws.

Almost all Firefox releases do fix some security problems - and everyone
with enough idle time can review those fixes in Mozilla's mercurial
and craft exploits for that. If anything, we're shipping security fixes
faster. New problems would have to be found first, the're new therefore
unknown at that moment.

> Let Mozilla do the testing, I didn't sign up to that as well.

They don't - that's what "FreeBSD not being a fully-supported platform"
is all about. And it's totally fine if you want to wait for Mozilla's
public announcement before upgrading - nobody here is forcing you to
upgrade at all.

> > Font rendering in chromium being "completely broken" is news for me.
> Have you used Chromium on FreeBSD? Nobody else has either non of the
> settings to X11 fonts have any effect sub-pixel font rendering is
> non-existent. I think it expects help from the GPU I am using integrated
> graphics and it doesn't work.

It works for me, but then I don't have integrated graphics. Did you
report that to the cromium maintainers?


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