--- Comment #9 from Kenneth Raplee <> ---
(In reply to Fernando ApesteguĂ­a from comment #7)
It looks like I got the same result after applying your patch, rebuilding my
entire system from habit, and then running your test program.

kenrap@freebsd [~/Projects/access_test] % ls -l
total 14
-rwxr-xr-x  1 kenrap kenrap 10688 Aug  9 12:07 a.out
-rw-r--r--  1 kenrap kenrap  1336 Aug  9 12:07 access_test.c
--w-------  1 kenrap kenrap     0 Aug  9 12:06 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 kenrap kenrap     4 Aug  9 12:06 link_to_file -> file
kenrap@freebsd [~/Projects/access_test] % ./a.out file link_to_file
accessat: Permission denied
accessat: Permission denied
accessat: Permission denied
link is accessible

My current build is from the d349bd35330d commit:

Also, would you like me to test by using an Ubuntu linuxulator? I would need to
setup one again.

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