* Trenton Schulz <tren...@norwegianrockcat.com> [20230822 12:55]:
> This is really fascinating work, and I see value in this even if some other
> way of doing things eventually replaces the Centos-7 items.

Thanks a lot!

> Some of this has a bit of overlap with Gentoo prefix
> (https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Prefix), where one puts the bare bones
> of a Gentoo distro under a "prefix" (for example, /compat/linux), but then
> you can use Gentoo's portage infrastructure to build the other parts of the
> system.

Hm, kind of interesting project ;) well sure, might be another source to
look at when hitting some weird issues. But using "portage" IMHO
wouldn't make much sense, we already have our ports system ;)

> I imagine, you are maybe thinking of your own set of linux-* in the ports
> tree, but this might also be useful area to borrow from?
> Anyway, I'll lurk back into the shadows to see how this develops.

Well, I guess it'll take me a few days to stabilize stuff and a few
*more* days to create some helpful USING for it ... but then, I'll try
to build some additional libs and find some proof of concept of some
Linux binary (closed-source?) working on it. That's the rough plan ... I
have some hopes ;)

Cheers, Felix

 Felix Palmen <zir...@freebsd.org>     {private}   fe...@palmen-it.de
 -- ports committer --                     {web}  http://palmen-it.de
 {pgp public key}  http://palmen-it.de/pub.txt
 {pgp fingerprint} 6936 13D5 5BBF 4837 B212  3ACC 54AD E006 9879 F231

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