This did not happen when the machine was running FreeBSD 9.2 with 
virtualbox-ose-4.3.20 installed. So I would not qualify this as "known 

One server has 16G main memory, a VM gets 3G. The other has 8G main mem and 
again 3G allocated to the VM.

This is definitely a bug in how VirtualBox handles memory on FreeBSD 10. I am 
pretty sure that something changed in FBSD 10 which was not properly taken care 
of in VB.

-- Martin

On 09/21/15 22:10, Mark Felder wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 20, 2015, at 06:20, Martin Birgmeier wrote:
>> On machines where VirtualBox is running, I get memory allocation errors.
>> 'dd' aborts with 'dd: stdout: Cannot allocate memory'
>> 'zfs send' aborts with 'internal error: Cannot allocate memory'
>> I have created
>> to track this.
>> Could a knowledgeable person please have a look into this?
>> FreeBSD 10.2, VirtualBox 4.3.30
>> -- Martin
> I'm not an expert, but I think this is known behavior. Virtualbox
> requires a huge contiguous chunk of memory for the VM and that's
> probably what you're running into.
> Can you give more information about the specs of the server itself and
> the amount of resources allocated to VMs?

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