27.11.2013, 18:09, "Matthias Apitz" <g...@unixarea.de>:
> El día Wednesday, November 27, 2013 a las 07:51:41AM +0100, Matthias Apitz 
> escribió:
>>  The command;
>>  # sudo -u guru VirtualBox
>>  let show up and error dialog box with the message
>>  Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object
>>  The application will now terminate.
>>  Details:
>>  Callee RC: NS_ERROR_ABORT (0x80004004)
> It seems to be a bit tricky to get that beast up and running:
> Here is what I got to know so far:
> - one must be in the group 'vboxusers'
Thats always used. It is a requirements.

> - one must 'unset QT_PLUGIN_PATH' (at least in KDE4 environment)
I have headless machine, so have not nor kde, nor qt.

>   this will solve the SEGFAULT crash;
> - one must create by hand(!) a dir ~/.VirtualBox and there a file:
>   $ cat .VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml
>   <VirtualBox xmlns="http://www.innotek.de/VirtualBox-settings";
>   version="1.12-freebsd">
>   </VirtualBox>
Done, this not helps for me.

>   after this there is a least a log about the booting:
>   $ cat .VirtualBox/VBoxSVC.log
>   VirtualBox XPCOM Server 4.3.2_OSE r90405 freebsd.x86 (Nov 20 2013 14:00:44) 
> release log
>   00:00:00.005135 main     Log opened 2013-11-27T10:55:17.598220000Z
>   00:00:00.005137 main     Build Type: release
>   00:00:00.005139 main     OS Product: FreeBSD
>   00:00:00.005141 main     OS Release: 10.0-ALPHA4
>   00:00:00.005143 main     OS Version: FreeBSD 10.0-ALPHA4 #1: Fri Oct 18 
> 12:10:57 CEST 2013     g...@aurora.sisis.de:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
>   00:00:00.005145 main     Host RAM: 2027MB total, 1864MB available
>   00:00:00.005147 main     Executable: /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VBoxSVC
>   00:00:00.005149 main     Process ID: 9104
>   00:00:00.005151 main     Package type: BSD_32BITS_GENERIC (OSE)
> but even with this you will get the above error message when yoyu start
> as normal user VirtualBox;
I have that useless log file too.

> it seems (Google) that the 10.x kernel need a special option:
> (see: http://www.freebsdonline.com/content/view/888/528/ for example);
> I have not yet tested it, due to lack of time installing a new kernel;
I'm check my kernel config, it has that option. Also I'm tryin to enable all 
COMPAT_FREEBSD{4,5,6...}, also not helps.

It seems that I need rollback to 9-STABLE for VirtualBox using.
Is 4.3.2 working ok on 9-STABLE?

> maybe the maintainer could spend a few words if this is required, or
> what else is missing to bring this up in 10.x; thx
>         matthias
> --
> Matthias Apitz               |  /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign: www.asciiribbon.org
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