Great, thanks … now some questions / clarifications …

First, am running both 9.x Guest and Host, so kern.hz is apparently 
auto-detected, so I'm covered there … 

Second, bridged adapter …  I just read, and checking kldstat, it looks 
like netgraph is auto-loaded (I didn't compile it into the kernel, or add it to 
/boot/loader.conf) … so it isn't 'if' I use netgraph, but bridged networking 
automatically requires netgraph?   I've been getting weird behaviour with my 
virtual box, in that if I try and copy a bunch of data in (ie. rsync a 
'template' from outside of virtual box into virtual box), after awhile, I'll 
get the whole server to stop processing packets for 5 minutes (sometimes more, 
sometimes less) and then it suddenly just starts processing again … is this how 
that issue manifests itself?  Or would those be unrelated?

Finally, storage controller … again, running 9.x Host / Guest … my devices are 
coming up as /dev/ada0 … but showvminfo shows me running an IDE controller:

Storage Controller Name (0):            IDE Controller
Storage Controller Type (0):            PIIX4
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0):  2
Storage Controller Port Count (0):      2
Storage Controller Bootable (0):        on

According to the docs for storagectl, my options are:

                            [--add <ide/sata/scsi/floppy>]
                            [--controller <LsiLogic|LSILogicSAS|BusLogic|

So, SATA better then IDE … SCSI better (or worse?) then SATA?   I tend to have 
a bias towards SCSI, not even sure why I went IDE when I first started using 
VirtualBox …  And what about Controller?  the Tuning guide doesn't make any 
recommendations in that regard … 

Thanks ...

On 2013-04-14, at 10:17 PM, Bernhard Fröhlich <> wrote:

> Am 15.04.2013 05:13 schrieb "Marc Fournier" <>:
> >
> >
> > Are there any optimizations suggested for running FreeBSD Guest within 
> > VirtualBox on a FreeBSD Host?   Not running X in there or anything, just a 
> > straight shell …
> It is probably hidden too good to find it easily.

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