On Tuesday, 25 September 2012 21:59:35 Yuri wrote:
> I experience this strange problem (1.5.13 is the only version I tried).
> I am trying to install python 2.6 using msi installer:
> wine msiexec /i ~/python-2.6.msi
> and this installs it into the current folder, not into c:/Python2.6 as
> it should be.
> I ran the similar command (with various versions of python) many times.
> First they were getting installed into the proper folder (under c:/).
> But later msiexec stopped asking any questions and just drops all files
> into the current folder. Same problem with other .msi installers.
> This might not be BSD specific. I am reporting it because this is a
> failure of a basic command that many are likely to run.
> In addition texts in window displayed by msiexec have messed up
> characters (wrong fonts?). Not sure why, but I see this across many
> programs ran by wine, digitaleditions would be another example.

Hi Yuri,

I just tried with a clean wine prefix with python-2.7.3.msi and everything 
works as expected.  Given that the fonts are also broken it may be your prefix 
or installation is somehow broken.  

You could try:
# env WINEPREFIX=/tmp/python wine msiexec /i ~/python-2.6.msi
to check if it is your prefix that is broken.  Failing that try reinstalling 
the wine package (and check the checksum).  

Good luck,



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