Andrey Chernov wrote:
Having 9-stable and ports from Feb 14, all builded from sources, I get
this commonly looking error attempting to view flash in FF 10.0.1:

*** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: failed to initialize plugin-side RPC
client connection
NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down

Looking into ktrace I found error reason:

82037 plugin-container CALL  connect(0x16,0x2c04f9d4,0x42)
  82037 plugin-container STRU  struct sockaddr { AF_LOCAL, invalid }
  82037 plugin-container NAMI
  82037 plugin-container RET   connect -1 errno 2 No such file or directory

(repeated several times).

This "invalid" in sockaddr looks familiar as for some time ago added
sockaddr length checks our kernel, but as bz@ says this should be
already fixed.

Does anybody runs flash successfly on 9-stable? If yes, where else the
problem can be?

Am running flash successfully on 9-stable (daily rebuild). Works for me under chromium/seamonkey.

Just filed a patch for the latest flash version... Works for me also.

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow.
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