> Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 17:11:06 -0700
> From: Yuri <y...@rawbw.com>
> Sender: owner-freebsd-emulat...@freebsd.org
> I have 2 guests: Ubuntu 32bit and Ubuntu 64bit.
> They both were running some large compilation on multiple CPUs.
> After a while I found vbox frozen: both guest windows not responding, 
> pressing close button not doing anything.
> VBox manager was also frozen. Killing manager app and restarting it 
> caused it to come up in a frozen state again.
> I also had filesystem full condition at about the same time. I think 
> vbox failed to detect the condition and to pause the machines gracefully.
> Not sure if this is an upstream issue or FreeBSD issue. With previous 
> versions I saw machines being paused ok by filesystem full condition.

I have seen the same thing on my 4.0.8 VBox running on 64-bit Windows7
on a quad-core Phenom II with Ubuntu and FreeBSD guests. It has frozen
up several times during compute intensive operations, usually video

For this reason I suspect it is not FreeBSD specific. Has anyone seen
reports on this elsewhere? It actually happening started on 4.0.6. Never
saw it on 4.0.4, but it had MUCH more annoying issues.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: ober...@es.net                  Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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