On Sun, 12 Jan 2025 at 06:49, jpb <j...@jimby.name> wrote:
> Here's a quick summary on how to generate an index for FreeBSD FDP
> books, articles, and multi-part documents.  Happily, the indexing
> tooling is already built into Asciidoctor.
> 1. Decide where you want the index.  In my case I added another
> "chapter" document directory -  foo-index/_index.adoc.
> Edit the _index.adoc and change the title, and any next/prev.  You will
> also need to change the weight.  The weight value should be higher than
> the highest chapter in the book.  This will place the index at the end
> of the document or book.
> 2. Add this section info to the bottom of the _index.adoc file after
> all the front matter and hugo stuff.  This tells Asciidoctor where you
> want the index.  This is all you need to add.
> [index]
> = Index
> 3. You'll now have to go through all the chapters and tag each line
> that has a term you want in the index.  Add the following to the end of
> the line:
>  indexterm:[foo]  for term 'foo' or
>  indexterm:[buzzword,foo]  which will add an entry for foo under the
> 'buzzword' index.
> 4. Make the document as you usually do (make DOC_LANG=whatever).
> When the book is completed, open the PDF version and check out the
> index at the end (or wherever you put it).
> You can tag any kind of text - regular text, text inside [NOTEs],
> [TIPs], etc. or text inside listings such as [.programlisting],
> [.source], [subs=+quotes] etc.
> I've found that tagging a singular stem version of a word relieves you
> from having to text all other variations.
> You don't have to tag every instance of a term. If there are
> several sentences together, each having the same term, or even nearby
> paragraphs all having the same term, just tag the term once.  The index
> entry will be the same for all of them.
> Check these examples:
> https://www.jimby.name/fbsd/_index.adoc.txt
> https://www.jimby.name/fbsd/fdp_index_example.png
> Best Regards,
> Jim B.
> j...@jimby.name

Hi Jim,

Thank you so much for raising this option, we're gonna take a look at it!


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