I've just received this message from Andy Oram, who was my editor at
O'Reilly.  I can't help him directly, but maybe one of you can.  You
can reply to him at Andrew Oram <an...@praxagora.com>; I'd appreciate
being kept in the loop, at least at the beginning.


On Friday,  7 January 2022 at  5:54:43 -0500, Andy Oram wrote:
> Among my clients, as a freelance writer and editor, I work for the Linux
> Professional Institute. It might seem strange that I'm contacting you on
> behalf of an organization with "Linux" in the title, but it would be
> reasonable to say that, when LPI was formed in the 1990s, "Linux" was a
> synecdoche (a word worth looking up if you don't know it) for free and open
> source software. So actually, LPI is interested in promoting many types of
> free and open source software, and it actually has a certification program
> for BSD:
> https://www.lpi.org/our-certifications/bsd-overview
> LPI worked closely with the FreeBSD project to create the certification.
> LPI also published the long article you helped me with, about the history
> of Unix with a big focus on BSD.
> Now LPI wants to write a series of articles about current uses of BSD. I
> think our readers would be most impressed by people who adopted it
> recently--not with long-running, legacy installations. Could you help me
> recruit authors?
> --
> Andy -- he, him, his
> Memoir: Three Decades of Computing, Communities, and Critiques
> https://praxagora.com/backtraces/

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