On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 01:42:26AM +0300, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
>   I understand, that my question is not about FreeBSD documentation exactly, 
> but close enough. If I'm not right, sorry.
>   I want to have both proper man page in mdoc format and fancy README in 
> MarkDown for github & ko for my project. Content of these documents must be 
> virtually the same and I don't want to edit same text twice in different 
> formats each time when I want to change it.
>   Is here any source format to render both MarkDown and mdoc?
>   I understand, that mdoc is semantic format (it has "options" and 
> "arguments" and such), and MarkDown is not...
>   Maybe, mdoc to MarkDown converter? It is not best way, as mdoc is very 
> tedious to edit, but better than nothing.

See mandoc(1) and -T markdown.  No idea if it's any good.

-- Brooks

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