On 05/06/2017 13:44, Jamie - Make a Website hub wrote:
> I am Jamie Spencer from makeawebsitehub.com, I write articles about open
> source software.
> I am currently pulling together an article on the FreeBSD and wondered if
> it would be possible to send across a few questions to someone from the
> product team about the release?

Hi, Jamie

There are several different sets of people you might like to approach,
depending on the nature of your questions.

Generally, it's the FreeBSD Foundation that handles interactions with
the Press, and they are probably your best bet here.  They should be
able to put you in contact with someone to interview if that's what you
need.  Try: i...@freebsdfoundation.org

Otherwise if your questions are more technical, then simply asking on
one of the various mailing lists should get you a response.
freebsd-sta...@freebsd.org would be a good place to ask about the
upcoming 11.1-RELEASE and 10.4-RELEASE.



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