
I've already upgraded to 10.3-RELEASE, and do not have uname -a output
available from the system before the upgrade. But, this should be good
enough, from the last kernel log from before I upgraded:

+FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p49 #0: Fri Oct 21 21:01:08 UTC 2016
+ amd64

I was at the latest patchlevel (p53 - p49 was the last kernel
patchlevel, it appears) before attempting the upgrade.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Benjamin Kaduk <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 09, 2017 at 08:13:06AM -0500, Eric Rucker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've noticed that I was unable to perform an upgrade directly to
>> FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE from 9.3-RELEASE by following the directions in
>> this document:
>> Upon attempting to run freebsd-update upgrade -R 11.0-RELEASE, I
>> received the error "The update metadata is correctly signed, but
>> failed an integrity check." I received no such error going to
>> 10.3-RELEASE instead.
>> Is this a bug, or a documentation error?
> I am more inclined to suspect documentation error, in that IIRC there
> was an errata notice relating to how integrity checks were done on updates,
> which was needed in order to update past a version boundary in that range.
> Are you at the latest 9.3 patchlevel already?  If not, it's probably best
> to take all available updates within 9.3 before attempting the major version
> upgrade.  (That is, please show the `uname -a` output from the system
> in question.)
> -Ben
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