===> doc/articles/gjournal-desktop (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/hubs (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/ipsec-must (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/ldap-auth (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/leap-seconds (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/linux-emulation (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/linux-users (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/mailing-list-faq (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/nanobsd (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/new-users (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/p4-primer (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/pam (all)
Warning: Object directory not changed from original 
===> doc/articles/pgpkeys (all)
file:///usr/local/share/xml/catalog" /usr/local/bin/xmllint --nonet --noent 
--valid --dropdtd --xinclude 
/usr/local/www/build/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/pgpkeys/article.xml > 
/usr/local/www/build/head/share/pgpkeys/pgpkeys-developers.xml:1492: element 
sect2: validity error : Element sect2 content does not follow the DTD, 
expecting (((title | titleabbrev | subtitle)* , info?) , (((itemizedlist | 
orderedlist | procedure | simplelist | variablelist | segmentedlist | glosslist 
| bibliolist | calloutlist | qandaset | example | figure | table | equation | 
informalexample | informalfigure | informaltable | informalequation | sidebar | 
blockquote | address | epigraph | mediaobject | screenshot | task | 
productionset | constraintdef | msgset | screen | literallayout | 
programlistingco | screenco | programlisting | synopsis | bridgehead | remark | 
revhistory | indexterm | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | methodsynopsis | 
constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | cmdsynopsis | 
caution | important | note | tip | warning | anchor | para | formalpara | 
simpara | annotation)+ , ((sect3+ , simplesect*) | simplesect+)?) | (sect3+ , 
simplesect*) | simplesect
 +) , (glossary | bibliography | index | toc)*), got (title CDATA 
programlisting programlisting )
*** Error code 4

make[4]: stopped in /usr/local/www/build/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/pgpkeys
*** Error code 1

make[3]: stopped in /usr/local/www/build/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/local/www/build/head/en_US.ISO8859-1
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/local/www/build/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/doc
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/local/www/build/head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs
        4.75 real         2.05 user         2.94 sys
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