Let's try this again... I had my cursor in the wrong place in exmh when hit 
send, making my reply look a little dumb.

In message <alpine.gso.1.10.1608232129270.5...@multics.mit.edu>, Benjamin 
> On Tue, 23 Aug 2016, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> > On Tue, 23 Aug 2016, Steve Kargl wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 01:47:37PM -0700, Steve Kargl wrote:
> > > > Index: sntp.8
> > > > ===================================================================
> > > > --- sntp.8      (revision 303492)
> > > > +++ sntp.8      (working copy)
> > > > @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
> > > >  more than enough for a unicast response.  If \fBsntp\fP is
> > > >  only waiting for a broadcast response a longer timeout is
> > > >  likely needed.
> > > > -.It  Fl \-wait , " Fl \-no\-wait"
> > > > +.It  Fl \-wait , Fl \-no\-wait
> > > >  Wait for pending replies (if not setting the time).
> > > >  The \fIno\-wait\fP form will disable the option.
> > > >  This option is enabled by default.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Does freebsd-doc handle documentation patches?
> >
> > We do handle them, we are just sometimes slow about it.

Hi Ben,

Either the doc team or src team can handle this.

I added Ollivier Robert, FreeBSD's original src/ NTP mainainer, to the cc 

> Getting around towards doing so, I note that this file is from a vendor
> tree, and the bug is still present in
> https://github.com/ntp-project/ntp/blob/master/sntp/sntp.mdoc.in .
> Unfortunately, http://bugs.ntp.org/enter_bug.cgi wants me to create a
> login; adding cy and delphij to see if either of them already have one and
> would be able to report the bug upstream.

I have an account. I can submit a bug upstream. As port maintainer (as 
well) I've communicated with our upstream (Harlan Stenn) on many an 

> My understanding is that now that we're in subversion intsead of CVS,
> applying a local patch to a file from the vendor tree is not a huge
> burden, but I'm inclined to wait a bit to add a local patch so we can see
> how responsive upstream is.

This gets a little complicated. Even though the man pages, like 
sntp.man.in, are in the vendor branch and in contrib, they're actually 
installed from usr.sbin/ntp/doc. It's not "right" and it should be. Using 
the vendor supplied man pages is preferred and is on my list of things to 
do. Having said that, as ntp ports (ntp and ntp-devel) maintainer, I've 
seen a fair bit of fluctuation with ntp documentation where sometimes there 
are man pages and at other times the man pages are replaced by html 
documents. The issue with this is that it will create a bit of churn for 
ntp in src/ because sometime man pages will be available and sometimes not. 
The solution (I think) is to use vendor supplied man pages when available 
and when not, either not use the man pages in usr.sbin/ntp/doc or svn cp 
missing man pages back. To summarize, this needs to be thought out a little 
more in regard to revering to previous man pages when those in the 
distribution are deleted in lieu of html documentation (yet again). But I 
digress, this is getting off topic.

I've commited the patch to base and ports, have submitted the patch 
and have emailed Harlan Stenn (personally) as well.

> Sorry about the (further) delay...

No problem, just not enough time in the day any more.

Thanks for email Ben.

Cy Schubert <cy.schub...@cschubert.com>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <c...@freebsd.org>   Web:  http://www.FreeBSD.org

        The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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