Hi doc Team / Hiroki,

I suspect there is typo on the 10.3 errata page.
In the "Open Issues" section there is a command listing pointing to the older 
10.2 release instead 10.3 release, if
Since I haven't found the xml source I will quote the text from the page.


 When prompted by bsdinstall(8) to perform additional post-installation 
configuration to the system, select [ YES ].
 This procedure requires the system sources available locally. If the System 
source code distribution was not selected during installation, it can be 
obtained using svnlite:

 # mkdir -p /usr/src
-# svnlite co svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/releng/10.2 /usr/src
+# svnlite co svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/releng/10.3 /usr/src

 Build the kernel-toolchain required to rebuild the kernel:

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