On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Wout Decré <w...@canodus.be> wrote:

> On Mon, 2016-03-21 at 11:38 -0400, Chris Jordan wrote:
> > I'm coming back to FreeBSD after many years away and I am setting up a
> new
> > system with 10-2-release.
> >
> > I was reading through Handbook section 29.4.1 "Enabling IPFW" and it
> says:
> > "To enable logging, include this line in
> > /etc/rc.conf: firewall_logging="YES"".  That didn't seem to work for me,
> so
> > I went looking through /etc/rc.firewall, and found it's looking for  a
> line
> > like "firewall_logdeny="YES" instead, but it's only checking for that for
> > the case where firewall_type="workstation".
> IPFW logging is enabled in /etc/rc.d/ipfw:
> if checkyesno firewall_logging; then
>   echo 'Firewall logging enabled.'
>   sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1 >/dev/null
> fi
> Should work putting firewall_logging="YES" in rc.conf. By default, logs
> are written to /var/log/security.
Ah, I see, thanks.  The difference is that when I set
"firewall_logdeny="YES"" in rc.conf, then /etc/rc.firewall both sets
net.inet,ip.fw.verbose=1 and sets a firewall rule for "65500 deny log
logamount 500 ip from any to any", while if I set "firewall_logging="YES""
then the firewall rule is "65500 deny ip from any to any" so nothing gets
logged.  I suppose it's not a problem if you're modifying /etc/rc.firewall
to set your own rules anyway, but in the simple case it's a bit unclear.
I've only tried it where "firewall_type="workstation"", the other
firewall_types appear to have different default logging behavior.

Chris Jordan
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