Suggestion for adding (or similar) to FreeBSD Handbook: 5.6. The X Display 
Manager ...

5.6.3 Xsetup_*
Here background image and xdm applications can be launched. To change the color 
you can use "x11/xsetroot," but changing the image requires an application like 

  bgs ~/mypic.jpg &
  #xsetroot &
  #xconsole &

xconsole can be commented out, if it is not needed.

5.6.4 Xsession
Customization is better done by ~/.xsession.

Example of ~/.xsession:
  exec xterm &
  exec fluxbox
  exec $1

In this example, applications are ended with an "&". The desktop choice is last 
on the list, and is absent of an "&". Be sure "~/.xsession" is read and execute 
permissible by owner and group.
  chmod 660 ~/.xsession

(I realize that .xsession is covered in the next section, but it and Xsession 
also appear to have to do with XDM.) Thank you, and apologizes about past 
problems with posting this.
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