Good afternoon.

I just wanted to inform you about an error in the handbook (or at least I
think it is one). In "Pre-Installation Tasks" there is a command for
burning disk images, but it currently is:

# dd if=*FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img* of=/dev/*da0* bs=1m conv=sync

And I think it should be:

# dd if=*FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img* of=/dev/*da0* bs=1M conv=sync

With a capital m in bs. This is because I tried to use the command and it
returned dd: invalid number: '1m'.

I apologize if my English is not too good, but I'm not from an English-speaking
country. I send you this message because I wanted to help you. I hope it is
useful :)

*Ali Ghahraei Figueroa*
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