Dru Lavigne <dru.lavi...@att.net> wrote
  in <1437908470.22608.yahoomailba...@web184901.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>:

dr> Apparently, this is only required for link local addresses, which
dr> should be clarified in the Handbook. Can someone with more IPv6-clue
dr> suggest a clearer wording so that both cases are understood?

 I have a patch including this kind of clarification and other updates
 (attached).  Can you review this?

-- Hiroki
Index: advanced-networking/chapter.xml
--- advanced-networking/chapter.xml	(revision 47106)
+++ advanced-networking/chapter.xml	(working copy)
@@ -4439,10 +4439,10 @@
 	    <para>These addresses are syntactically indistinguishable
-	      from unicast addresses but they address a group of
-	      interfaces.  The packet destined for an anycast address
-	      will arrive at the nearest router interface.  Anycast
-	      addresses are only used by routers.</para>
+	      from unicast addresses but they address any of the
+	      interface belonging to the address.  The packet destined
+	      for an anycast address will be received by one of the
+	      interfaces.</para>

@@ -4450,13 +4450,8 @@
 	    <para>These addresses identify a group of interfaces.  A
-	      packet destined for a multicast address will arrive at
-	      all interfaces belonging to the multicast group.  The
-	      <acronym>IPv4</acronym> broadcast address, usually
-	      <systemitem
-		class="ipaddress">xxx.xxx.xxx.255</systemitem>, is
-	      expressed by multicast addresses in
-	      <acronym>IPv6</acronym>.</para>
+	      packet destined for a multicast address will be received by
+	      all interfaces belonging to the multicast group.</para>
@@ -4484,7 +4479,7 @@
 	which in turn is equivalent to

-      <para>To view a &os; system's <acronym>IPv6 </acronym> address,
+      <para>To view a &os; system's <acronym>IPv6</acronym> address,
 	use &man.ifconfig.8;:</para>

       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ifconfig</userinput></screen>
@@ -4538,16 +4533,8 @@

-	      <entry><systemitem>::00:xx:xx:xx:xx</systemitem></entry>
+	      <entry><systemitem>::ffff:<replaceable>xx:xx:xx:xx</replaceable></systemitem></entry>
 	      <entry>96 bits</entry>
-	      <entry>embedded <acronym>IPv4</acronym></entry>
-	      <entry>The lower 32 bits are the compatible
-		<acronym>IPv4</acronym> address.</entry>
-	    </row>
-	    <row>
-	      <entry><systemitem>::ff:xx:xx:xx:xx</systemitem></entry>
-	      <entry>96 bits</entry>
 	      <entry><acronym>IPv4</acronym> mapped
 		<acronym>IPv6</acronym> address</entry>
 	      <entry>The lower 32 bits are the <acronym>IPv4</acronym>
@@ -4556,11 +4543,15 @@

-	      <entry><systemitem>fe80::/10</systemitem></entry>
+	      <entry><systemitem>fe80::%<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>/10</systemitem></entry>
 	      <entry>10 bits</entry>
 	      <entry>Equivalent to in
-		<acronym>IPv4</acronym>.</entry>
+		<acronym>IPv4</acronym>.  An address with link-local
+		scope always needs a zone id part
+		<literal>%rl0</literal> because it is unique only on a
+		link.  The zone id is an interface name or an
+		interface index number.</entry>

@@ -4580,7 +4571,7 @@

-	      <entry><systemitem>2000::-3fff:: </systemitem></entry>
+	      <entry><systemitem>2000::-3fff::</systemitem></entry>
 	      <entry>3 bits</entry>
 	      <entry>global unicast</entry>
 	      <entry>All global unicast addresses are assigned from
@@ -4597,21 +4588,22 @@

-      <title>Configuring <acronym>IPv6</acronym></title>
+      <title>Configuring <acronym>IPv6</acronym> Host</title>

       <para>To configure a &os; system as an <acronym>IPv6</acronym>
-	client, add these two lines to
+	host, add these two lines to

-      <programlisting>ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
+      <programlisting>ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"</programlisting>

-      <para>The first line enables the specified interface to receive
-	router solicitation messages.  The second line enables the
-	router solicitation daemon, &man.rtsol.8;.</para>
+      <para>This line enables the specified interface to receive
+	Router Advertisement messages, which are distributed by
+	routers on the same link to provide information about subnet
+	prefix, default routers, <acronym>MTU</acronym>, recursive
+	<acronym>DNS</acronym> server list, and so on.</para>

-      <para>For &os;&nbsp;8.<replaceable>x</replaceable>, add a third
-	line:</para>
+      <para>For &os;&nbsp;8.<replaceable>x</replaceable>, add the
+	following line:</para>


@@ -4619,16 +4611,25 @@
 	<acronym>IPv6</acronym> address, add an entry to specify the
 	static address and associated prefix length:</para>

-      <programlisting>ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>_ipv6="inet6 <replaceable>2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344</replaceable> prefixlen <replaceable>64</replaceable>"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>_ipv6="inet6 <replaceable>2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344</replaceable>/<replaceable>64</replaceable>"</programlisting>

       <para>On a &os;&nbsp;8.<replaceable>x</replaceable> system, that
 	line uses this format instead:</para>

-      <programlisting>ipv6_ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>="<replaceable>2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344</replaceable>"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>ipv6_ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>="<replaceable>2001:db8:4672:6565:2026:5043:2d42:5344</replaceable> prefixlen <replaceable>64</replaceable>"</programlisting>

-      <para>To assign a default router, specify its address:</para>
+      <para>To manually assign a default router, specify its address.
+	Note that this information is also provided via Router
+	Advertisement messages and the specified address will not be
+	overridden.</para>

+      <para>This can be an link-local address because an IPv6-capable
+	interfaces always has one.  In that case, an address must be
+	associated with a zone id:</para>
+      <programlisting>ipv6_defaultrouter="<replaceable>fe80::1%rl0</replaceable>"</programlisting>

@@ -4672,8 +4673,14 @@
 	the generic tunneling interface

-      <programlisting>gif_interfaces="gif<replaceable>0</replaceable>"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>cloned_interfaces="gif<replaceable>0</replaceable>"</programlisting>

+      <note>
+	<para><varname>gif_interfaces</varname> and
+	  <varname>gif_ifconfig</varname> used in earlier releases are
+	  now obsolete.</para>
+      </note>
       <para>Next, configure that interface with the
 	<acronym>IPv4</acronym> addresses of the local and remote
 	endpoints.  Replace <replaceable>MY_IPv4_ADDR</replaceable>
@@ -4680,7 +4687,7 @@
 	and <replaceable>REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR</replaceable> with the
 	actual <acronym>IPv4</acronym> addresses:</para>

-      <programlisting>gifconfig_gif0="<replaceable>MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR</replaceable>"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>ifconfig_gif0="inet tunnel <replaceable>MY_IPv4_ADDR REMOTE_IPv4_ADDR</replaceable>"</programlisting>

       <para>To apply the <acronym>IPv6</acronym> address that has been
 	assigned for use as the <acronym>IPv6</acronym> tunnel
@@ -4688,7 +4695,7 @@
 	with the assigned address:</para>

-      <programlisting>ifconfig_gif0_ipv6="inet6 <replaceable>MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR</replaceable>"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>ifconfig_gif0_ipv6="inet6 tunnel <replaceable>MY_ASSIGNED_IPv6_TUNNEL_ENDPOINT_ADDR</replaceable>"</programlisting>

       <para>For &os;&nbsp;8.<replaceable>x</replaceable>, that line
 	should instead use this format:</para>
@@ -4711,38 +4718,76 @@

-      <title>Router Advertisement and Host Auto Configuration</title>
+      <title><acronym>IPv6</acronym> Router Configuration</title>

       <para>This section demonstrates how to setup &man.rtadvd.8; to
-	advertise the <acronym>IPv6</acronym> default route.</para>
+	distribute Router Advertisement messages.</para>

       <para>To enable &man.rtadvd.8;, add the following to

-      <programlisting>rtadvd_enable="YES"</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>ipv6_gateway_enable="YES"

-      <para>It is important to specify the interface on which to
-	do <acronym>IPv6</acronym> router solicitation.  For example,
-	to tell &man.rtadvd.8; to use
-	<filename>rl0</filename>:</para>
+      <para>It is important to specify the interface on which to send
+	<acronym>IPv6</acronym> Router Advertisement messages.  For
+	example, to tell &man.rtadvd.8; to use
+	<systemitem>rl0</systemitem>:</para>


-      <para>Next, create the configuration file,
-	<filename>/etc/rtadvd.conf</filename> as seen in this
-	example:</para>
+      <para>A valid global <acronym>IPv6</acronym> prefix must be
+	configured on <systemitem>rl0</systemitem> interface.</para>

+      <programlisting>ifconfig_rl0_ipv6="inet6 <replaceable>2001:db8:1::1/64</replaceable>"</programlisting>
+      <para>And on every <acronym>IPv6</acronym> router, a
+	subnet-router anycast address should be configured as an
+	alias.  It is the same address and prefix length as the global
+	<acronym>IPv6</acronym> prefix with an additional keyword
+	<literal>anycast</literal>.</para>
+      <programlisting>ifconfig_rl0_ipv6_alias0="inet6 <replaceable>2001:db8:1::/64</replaceable> anycast"</programlisting>
+      <para>Note that &man.rtadvd.8; normally does not require a
+	configuration file, <filename>/etc/rtadvd.conf</filename>.</para>
+      <para>For exmaple, information about available recursive
+	<acronym>DNS</acronym> servers and/or search list for
+	non-fully-qualified domain name can be distributed via Router
+	Advertisement message.  To enable this, create the
+	configuration file, <filename>/etc/rtadvd.conf</filename> as
+	seen in this example:</para>
-	:addrs#1:addr="2001:471:1f11:246::":prefixlen#64:tc=ether:</programlisting>
+	:rdnss="<replaceable>2001:db8:ffff::10,2001:db8:ffff::2:43</replaceable>":\
+	:dnssl="<replaceable>example.com</replaceable>":</programlisting>

-      <para>Replace <filename>rl0</filename> with the interface
-	to be used and <systemitem>2001:471:1f11:246::</systemitem>
-	with the prefix of the allocation.</para>
+      <para>More details can be found in &man.rtadvd.conf.5; manual
+	page.</para>

-      <para>For a dedicated <systemitem
-	  class="netmask">/64</systemitem> subnet, nothing else needs
-	to be changed.  Otherwise, change the
-	<literal>prefixlen#</literal> to the correct value.</para>
+      <para><acronym>IPv6</acronym> host nodes on the same link will
+	receive Router Advertisement messages from this router and
+	configure a global <acronym>IPv6</acronym> address and the
+	<acronym>IPv6</acronym> default route.  The receipt of the
+	messages is disabled by default.  The following line in
+	<filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> on an
+	<acronym>IPv6</acronym> host enables it on
+	<systemitem>rl0</systemitem> interface as explained
+	earlier:</para>
+      <programlisting>ifconfig_<replaceable>rl0</replaceable>_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"</programlisting>
+      <para>And if Router Advertisement messages contain lists of
+	recursive <acronym>DNS</acronym> server and/or search list for
+	non-fully-qualified domain name, an <acronym>IPv6</acronym>
+	host has to enable &man.rtsold.8; daemon by adding the
+	following line to <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>:</para>
+      <programlisting>rtsold_enable="YES"</programlisting>
+      <para>This daemon handles updating
+	<filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename>.</para>


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