I'm working through the section 15.3 in the FreeBSD Handbook: "Creating
and Controlling Jails" [1].
One of the commands in this section of the guide didn't work for me, due
to an invalid path.
The guide says:
To install just the base system, run the next command when using
FreeBSD 9.x or newer:
|#| *|tar -xf /mnt/freebsd_install/usr/freebsd_dist/base.txz -C $DESTDIR|*
I am using the FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-DVD-1.iso disk, and it does
not seem to have this path.
After poking around with find and grep, it seems like perhaps the guide
should be updated to use the following path on FreeBSD 10.1, or at least
the version found on this DVD.
Potentially change:
It is also worth noting that I didn't use the following command from the
guide to mount the DVD:
*| mount -t cd9660 /dev/`mdconfig -f cdimage.iso` /mnt
Instead, I stuck the DVD in the drive and mounted it like so:
mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt
I *believe* it might be the same difference, but I'm switching to
FreeBSD after years of primarily using Linux, and wanted to mention it
in case you couldn't reproduce my results.
[1] https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/jails-build.html
P.S. The documentation for FreeBSD is so nice! It's a real relief,
compared to the majority of the other things out there.
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