On 2014-12-25 05:04, Raihan Howlader wrote:
> hi i am new here i want to know that can i run freebsd on windows vps
> if i can then how to run ?
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You can run FreeBSD on windows using Hyper-V or Virtual Box

But it is not possible to run FreeBSD in a VM inside of another VM (like
a VPS)

You would have to replace windows, rather than run FreeBSD on top of

Most VPS providers do not really provide a way to do this, you'd have to
find one that supports FreeBSD. There are a number of them, some of them
are listed on the freebsd.org site.

RootBSD.net comes to mind

Allan Jude

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  • question Raihan Howlader
    • Re: question Allan Jude

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