Hi all, This morning I was notified by Matthew Seaman about a problem in a port I maintain and finally we discovered that `svn diff` does **not** output information about files that have "history scheduled with commit": that is, files which seem to be new files, but in reality are not. The typical case is files "added" as a result of a `svn mv` operation. This behaviour led to the problem that affected the port.
The Porter's Handbook implicitly implies that `svn diff` is equivalent to `diff -ruN` but in fact it is not: using `svn diff` may lead to the aforementioned problem. svn 1.7 added the `--show-copies-as-adds` option to the `svn diff` command which forces the expected behaviour. Therefore, I suggest Chapter 10, Section 1, "Using Subversion to Make Patches" to be amended in order to describe this behaviour. Regards, -- Enrico
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