On 17/07/2014 21:21, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
>>>> No. Please NEVER do that! The user must be able to edit the files and
>>>> > >> start the service by himself.
>>> > >
>>> > > Cool, so what's the single line command needed to type in to start a
>>> > > given package service?
>> >
>> > Aren't sysrc(8) and service(8) for this kind of stuff?
>> >
> They sure are.
> Well, pkg install $service ; sysrc ${service}_enable="YES" would do.
> Although some services have different names than the packge, which is sort
> of annoying.
> I wouldn't mind though if pkg via dialog or some such mechanism asked if
> wanted it enabled. Or via pkg-message told me howto enable it.

I quite like the idea of having eg, an apache-config package, which when
installed sets up httpd.conf in a way that allows adding
phpMyAdmin-config or other similar application config packages on top.
And enables everything in rc.conf, if not firing up apache on install[*].

*But* this should be separate from packages that install the software so
if you want to write your own configuration you don't have to go through
and unpick the pre-canned setup.

Sometimes you just need to sling something on a box and have it working



[*] Well, actually it go for nginx + php-fpm + webapp rather than
apache, but the principle is the same.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.

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