On 24 June 2014 13:17, Gábor Kövesdán <ga...@kovesdan.org> wrote:
> On 2014.06.24. 18:38, Warren Block wrote:
>> The current CSS makes <application> elements appear in bold text in XHTML.
>> For example:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/desktop-browsers.html
>> This repeated use of bold makes for uncomfortable and fatiguing reading.
>> Allan and I have searched for less severe forms of highlighting. Without
>> resorting to color, there are not many options.  The best I've seen so far
>> is font-variant: small-caps;, but that is quickly annoying also.
>> My suggestion at this point is to just remove the CSS entry for
>> applications.  The application names are names, and recognizably distinct
>> from other words on their own.
>> Unless there are complaints, I will plan to remove the .application entry
>> from docbook.css before the end of this week.
> I'd try italic or just remove formatting as you suggested. Italic is good
> for emphasis, it is not that disturbing as bold. I'd avoid small caps
> because such a use is quite uncommon.

I'd eliminate the formatting. There is not much value gained by
calling out the name of the application repeatedly.

Eitan Adler
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