On Sat, 24 May 2014, Adrian Chadd wrote:


I've just added a new call to taskqueue -
taskqueue_start_threads_pinned(). It's like taskqueue_start_threads(),
but it takes a cpuid to pin the threads to.

Would someone please help me with the manpage markup and wording?

Something like this?

Index: share/man/man9/taskqueue.9
--- share/man/man9/taskqueue.9  (revision 266330)
+++ share/man/man9/taskqueue.9  (working copy)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd January 24, 2014
+.Dd May 24, 2014
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
 .Fn taskqueue_create_fast "const char *name" "int mflags" 
"taskqueue_enqueue_fn enqueue" "void *context"
 .Ft int
 .Fn taskqueue_start_threads "struct taskqueue **tqp" "int count" "int pri" 
"const char *name" "..."
+.Ft int
+.Fo taskqueue_start_threads_pinned
+.Fa "struct taskqueue **tqp" "int count" "int pri" "int cpu_id"
+.Fa "const char *name" "..."
 .Ft void
 .Fn taskqueue_set_callback "struct taskqueue *queue" "enum 
taskqueue_callback_type cb_type" "taskqueue_callback_fn callback" "void 
 .Ft void
@@ -145,7 +150,14 @@
 which the thread servicing the queue will be signaled that it should exit.
 Once a taskqueue has been created, its threads should be started using
-.Fn taskqueue_start_threads .
+.Fn taskqueue_start_threads
+.Fn taskqueue_start_threads_pinned .
+.Fn taskqueue_start_threads_pinned
+takes a
+.Va cpu_id
+argument which will cause the threads which are started for the taskqueue
+to be pinned to run on the given CPU.
 Callbacks may optionally be registered using
 .Fn taskqueue_set_callback .
 Currently, callbacks may be registered for the following purposes:
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