Glen Barber <> writes:

  It is not a doc problem.
  The issue is specific to certain hardware configurations, and unless
  anyone has made any breakthroughs that I am unaware of, the cause is
  still unknown.
It happens on:

AMD piledriver running Linux+KVM
AMD piledriver running Linux+Xen
Intel Nehalem running NetBSD+Xen
Intel Sandybridge running NetBSD+Xen
Intel Haswell running NetBSD+Xen
AMD K10 Barcelona running NetBSD+Xen
AMD Bulldozer running NetBSD+Xen

I've seen the laughable claim that this is a "bug in Virtualbox", and now
the major downplay at,
where this is a minor hardware specific problem.

I have not found one piece of PC hardware where it does not happen under
virtualisation.  Please let me know some configuration where FreeBSD/i386
works under a type 1 virtualiser?  Perhaps Bhyve is FreeBSD-compatible?

  Not "weird", but it is specific to certain hardware configurations.
  > >It is not specific to virtualbox.
  This is the first I am hearing of this problem on non-VirtualBox
I've mentioned it on FreeBSD lists before.  But after having lost many
hours on reporting the ssh panic for FreeBSD/amd64 and FreeBSD/i386
(amd64/183397), I didn't file a PR for this, also after I saw this was
known and downplayed by a FreeBSD dev.

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